品牌策略 & 品牌形象设计
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Google Fiber推出了新LOGO设计
所在位置:首页 - 观点分享
时间:2021-05-27  作者:Angle  来源:标志情报局

深圳VI设计公司分享Google Fiber新LOGO设计——Google Fiber(谷歌光纤)是Google公司最初在堪萨斯州的堪萨斯城和密苏里州的堪萨斯城试点光纤通信建造高速互联网基础设施的一项实验性服务。逾1100个社区为成为首拨试点进行申请。 

Google Fiber目前在美国14个州的19个城市中提供服务,其中1 Gig套餐的价格为每月70美元,2 Gig套餐的价格为每月100美元。


Google Fiber推出了新LOGO设计

十多年来,Google Fiber一直使用文字标识,也就是Google 的字标与灰色的「Fiber」文字组合。而从现在开始,谷歌内部设计团队 Google Brand Studio 为 Google Fiber 设计了一个图形标识。 

新图标由谷歌公司的四色与四个扇形(四分之一圆)组成,图标代表两个关键概念,速度和扩展性。弧形就像仪表盘,是速度的直观表现。模块化的图形标识 Fiber可扩展的服务,从单户住宅或小型企业到整个城市,Fiber都能够应对自如。

安全警告:MySql Error!

错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY orderid asc' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT * FROM `pmw_infonews` WHERE classid=44 AND orderid>385 and posttime<= AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY orderid asc

安全警告:MySql Error!

错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY orderid desc' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT * FROM `pmw_infonews` WHERE classid=44 AND orderid<385 and posttime<= AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY orderid desc


    安全警告:MySql Error!

    错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY rand() limit 0,15' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT * FROM `pmw_infonews` WHERE id and posttime<= AND checkinfo=true and delstate!=true ORDER BY rand() limit 0,15
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